Audit Services

An annual audit of financial statements can be an obligatory, number crunching, time-consuming and expensive process to satisfy the regulatory authorities for the business owners. Here at CG&A, we aim at evaluating the existing business processes to assist our client’s in running their business efficiently and cost-effectively. We make sure all your troublesome reporting requirements are met as painlessly as possible- keeping banks, creditors, finance providers satisfied.

With the help of sophisticated techniques, exceptional audit tools and procedures, experienced staff, quality in work, we deliver our clients the best among all. Our continuous effort, history of handful experience of years and satisfied clients have made the quality of our audit commendable. Our team of qualified professionals, including CAs, CPAs and ACCAs commits to provide you the best of our efforts before the deadline.

We can help with:

  • Statutory Audit
  • Tax Audit
  • Stock Audit
  • Internal Audit
  • Operational Audit
  • Investigation Audit
  • Management Audit
Chetna Gupta and Associates
(Chartered Accountants) Online
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